No two games are the ever same!
This is a race game, with simple math counting, based on luck. Who pass by the number 28 will win the game. for get a record you need to calculate after passing by the number 28 the points you get.
There is 2 game modes. 2 players mode and 3 players mode.
we will start with 2 players mode to understand the game:
On the game, there is a deck with 4 small green cards, these are BONUS CARDS, and a deck with main cards - 6 ilustrated cards, with numbers from 2 to 7, a dice, and 3 coloured pieces (red, yellow and blue)
RULES- 2 players mode - red and yellow player pieces.
At the begining of the game the big cards illustrated deck will be suffle by the player (with illustrated face down) who have the smaller number from rolling the dice, and this player need to arrange the cards on the table with face down. Red player get 3 cards and blue player get 3 cards aswell (with face down). These cards will be assigned face to face;
like this:
X X X red player cards
X X X yellow player cards
Who start atacking first? - In this case, the dice will rolling, and the higher number will turn with face up one card from the table, and choose opponent card to atack. In this case, red player turn left card and atack middle one from blue player.
6 X X red player cards
X 3 X yellow player cards
Red turn 6 and atack blue card wich is 3. in this case, it will calculate the difference sum from the biggest card. 6-3=3 points
Red win 3 points, yellow is 0
in this case, Red move with the red piece on the game table at number 3. But there, only once he need to move more the number of points who are on index of this square. In this case (-2) then red player go to number 1 with his piece.
Yellow player stay outside of the game yet because he didnt won nothing in the first battle from the first round.
Who win the battle will turn and choose another card. in this case he atack with right card, left yellow player card:
6 X 2
4 3 X
red player have number 2
yellow player have number 4
yellow player move on the table 2 points (4-2=2) and follow the index of that square who is (+2) and move his yellow piece at number 4 on the table.
Right now, yellow player is on number 4 and red player is on number 1 on the table.
After all the cards will reveal, and the moves will be made, at the end of the game, the player who have the smaller amount of numbers by calculate the cards will shuffle and arrange the cards for the next round.
Lets say: red player have 6 7 2
yellow player have 4 3 5 6+7+2= 15 for red player 4+3+5=12 for yellow player
Yellow player will shuffle the cards and arrange them on the table for next round.
If one player arrive with his piece at a green square, this player will win a BONUS CARD.
These Bonus cards abilities are:
8 - Magic drink- you choose an opponent to turn back 5 points on the table, and it will add +5 points at the end of the game, if the current player who win these points win the game.
20 - Magic fist - you choose an opponent to turn back 5 points on the table, and it will add +5 points at the end of the game, if the current player who win these points win the game.
22 - Magic bomb - you choose one player from the table to turn back at number 2 with his piece into the game table.
It will add +5 points at the end of the game, if the current player who win these points win the game.
28 - This card is a SPECIAL card. If you are on it, you need to roll the dice, and look at the Comercial societies numbers on the table, to see how many points you get. ( the dice number corespound to one Comercial society- after you see the number on the table, you look at the namelist on the right side of the table, and look how many points have that name, and write them, and add these points at the end of the game, if you win the game.
RULES - 3 players
The rules for 3 players are almoust similar with 2 players rules.
red player
blue player
yellow player
lets say red player atack left blue player card and right yellow player card.
red player
X 5
blue player
2 X
yellow player
X 7
in this case red player win 3 points (5-2=3), blue player remain to 0 ( no move for him) and yellow player win 2 points from red player and 5 points from blue player wich mean 7 points.
After this battle, every player make theirs move with the piece on the table.
Aswell, there are 12 trap cards, who spread randomly to players in equal mode with face up. Every player can use them or not if a player arrive to the indicate number of them.
These cards are named:
7 - play this card, to atract a player at your choose to your square
1 - next duel, you dont have right to move, even if you have a winner card.
23 - cancel the (+5) point to abilities green cards for player who get on this number 23.
3- you throw the dice a single one, and move your pawn that many points ar the result of the dice.
21- move the pawn from this number 3 points backward.
5- pick 2 trap cards from adversary hands. 2 from a single player or 1 from eachothers at your choice.
11- move the pawn of the player where you want on the table.
4- thrown the dice two times, and move the pawn all the points who gather from these throws.
15- change your pawn place with a choose pawn at your choice
9- play this card to force a player at your choose to move 2 points backward.
18- all players need to advance 2 points.
13- play this card to cancel all action movements for all players from this duel.
The game board The Fortress gme includes 2 drawn maps and can be played with 6 players, respectively with pawns of different colors (red, yellow, blue, white, black and green). The second map that is connected to the map of the fortress in Alba Iulia, represents an illustration with a historical theme that is formed on its surface by positions without numbers linked to each other, with some positions marked with surplus points, respectively: +7, + 5,+10, +20 and +30. The system of moves will be made simultaneously by players, on both game boards, when it is their turn. but the difference in moves is as follows: If in the duel with the main playing cards, a player gets 4 points, on the board with the fortress of Alba Iulia, he will move the pawn 4 points and respect the index of the respective square only once, while, on the board time travel, in the world of Dacians and Romans, the player will only move the 4 points won from the card duel, with the cardboard soldier, of the color of the pawn that corresponds to him, no longer taking into account the index of the square. On the Time Travel Game Board, you can notice some red stars. These are teleport points, as if a player ends up with the fighter on a star, they can move it to whichever star they want on the game board. Soldier moves, when let's say he accumulates 7 game points, the soldier will move over the treasure, place a square of the color of his pawn on this treasure, and move on to the other points on the map, heading for other treasures. If two fighters meet, the dice will be rolled by both players, and the higher number is the winner, sending the opponent they fought to the beginning of the time travel map route, where the portal with the tricolor and the treasures already accumulated by it will be replaced by the squares of the winning fighter. But the difference in numbers matters. For example, the red soldier rolls the number 5 dice in the duel and the yellow one rolls the number 2 dice. The red soldier wins, but the difference being 3 points, he has the right to move 3 more positions on the historical map where he traveled through time, moving to other positions that contain surplus points for the final score. If a soldier will move to another soldier's position, that soldier who overlapped with another soldier can attack or keep his move without attacking him.
Mathematical calculations for making player moves will be done from the highest number to the lowest. The calculation rule for 6 players, with the main playing cards from 2 to 7 is as follows:
The 6 cards will be dealt after they are mixed, one card for each player. (red, yellow, blue, white, black and green). The dice are rolled by the players to determine which player will turn over the card first. Let's say that the blue player turns over the number 7 card first, he has the right to attack one of the other existing players and chooses the yellow player's card, which is the number 3. The difference in points will be 7-3=4, so blue wins 4 points, and moves 4 points on the game board with the fortress of Alba Carolina, respecting the index of the square he hit only once, subsequently moving the soldier on the historical map 4 positions. After this duel, the blue player's card will be put aside, and the yellow player will choose a card from the remaining ones. After the yellow player's card is used, it will also be set aside and used as mentioned the next player's card, until there are no more cards left on the platform of the main game cards, after which the cards for the next battle will be shuffled.
In the contents of the Citadel Game, there are 12 more cards that we called trap cards, these are mixed and distributed equally to the number of participating players, placed visibly, and can be used during the game by a player, in if his or another player's pawn has landed on a position corresponding to the number described by these cards, having certain abilities that advantage or disadvantage the players.